Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Social Media Promotion? Watch Out for Backfires.

(4/22/2014) Everyone knows the importance and the power of the social media. It can even topple down a regime in the mideast. Many companies and organizations try to catch the bandwagon of social media now no matter they are proactive or forced.

The police department of the New York City started a campaign asking users to tweet their pictures with policemen to demonstrate the policemen are helping the neighbors. But most retweet are not that 'positive.' Many pictures uploaded and spread through twitters are like those below.

OK, maybe these policemen were really maintaining some social order. But the images just don't match the goal of this campaign. I hope the one who initiated won't get fired (and (s)he would be fired if (s)he is working in a private sector.)

(4/28/2014) It seems that NYPD believes that if you fail once, you should be able to do it right the second time. Not scared by its social media mistake, NYPD's newest move is to have "all precinct commanders throughout the city to man their own Facebook and Twitter accounts." Watch that interview inside the news. Social media is not a cure for NYPD's branding problem, it is just a mirror reflecting any good or bad action that NYPD policemen will do. Is this a unspoken strategy that will remind NYPD police: "behave yourself and act properly and correctly while doing your job? (Which I doubt)" If it really does so, that will be so great. If not, then the days of William J. Bratton (the newest commissioner of NYPD) will be numbered. (Being optimistic! No matter what the result is, it will always be a good lesson of social media).


I cannot see more...

This is probably the worst of them.

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