Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How to Use This Blog

(1/23/2013) I glean through many news about business (especially in Supply Chain & Logistics, Innovation, Technology) everyday. Usually, I save them into pdf files on my laptop with some notes or highlights on them. Once in a while, when I am preparing teaching materials or writing papers, I know have have read some articles about the topic of interest. But searching through my folders on Mac's Finder is not a easy job (Mac's Finder is not much better than Microsoft Windows' Search). Finally, I found Google's blog is a very useful tool. Google has the best searching engine and the blogger is really well designed. Why don't I just import those inspiring  or amusing articles on the blog? Besides, I can share my collections with people on the Internet (if this blog has any visitor). That is how this blog is born.

Above, I have described my professional interest areas; however, I don't like to be limited.. To use this blog, you can first check the "Major Categories" on the right column to see if any will be your interest. You can also search my blog by keywords. Any articles in this blog matching to your criteria will be shown in your search result. If you have some good news/reports that you want to share, please feel free to leave a comment on the blog. Thank you!

All the labels (Google's term as keywords) that I use on this Blog are sorted below:

3PL, AdTrap, Airlines, Amazon, Apple, auctions, beer game, BizFundamentals, Career, containership, copyright., Costco, crisis management, cross-docking, Culture Difference, currency., Customer Relationship, Daily, Data visualization, Demand management, digital camera, Early-Bird, eBook reader, eCommerce, Economics, Entrepreneur, farmland value, FedEx, Food Supply, Forecasting, Foxconn, Fraud, Fuel supply, gender pay gap, Global Economy, google, Google map, Green manufacturing, Hacking, Imagination, innovation, International Business, iPad, iPhone, iPhone map, Japan, Logistics, MBA, McDonald, Medical, Mississippi River, mobile app, Netflix, Network Effect, network neutrality, OM/SCM, online ads, Operations, overcharge, pipeline, pricing, Process, product improvement, product life cycle, product rollover, Productivity, Project Management, Quality, Queuing, Redbox, Return, revenue management, reverse logistics, RO-RO, security, self service. Operations, Service, service quality, SKED Rescue., Social media, Sony, Southwest, Sprint, Starbucks, startups, Strategic Alliance, Subway, Supplier Relationship, Supply, Supply and Demand,Supply Chain, Sustainability, Tablet,TechGadget, Technology, Transportation, truck load, Twitter, United Airlines, UPS, Utilization, video game, video streaming, Virtual world, Voice of Customer, Walmart, warehouse, Wholefood

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