Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Walmart to lower prices on a million online-only items if you opt for store pickup over shipping

(4/12/2017) If you can get discount from online-only items on but you have to pick up at Walmart store, will you do that? You may try. That's what Walmart is trying to have a close fight with in online shopping. Walmart wants to lure millions of online shoppers who visit Walmart stores but never try to shop on

However, I don't think that will work for Walmart. Why? Because I did shop at and I don't have the confidence. But there is several other reasons that I think Walmart 'underestimates' the complexity of online-and-real-store retailing and how consumers will react to any shipping issues.

  1. The service time @ Walmart is terrible and it's well known. You may save several dollars, but at the cost of waiting for 20 minutes in Walmart's long lines? 
  2. Think of a situation: a consumer has a shipping issue (say wrong items, or cannot find the package while it's said 'arrived' on notice) or the consumer remembers the wrong store to pick up. Since the consumer is at the store already, he will ask what's going on (At Amazon, the buyers will trace and figure it out by themselves, at consumer's own time). It's an extra burden on Walmart's employee's service time. 
  3. Imagine a situation in point 2. How many Walmart employees do you think are capable to solve the complex logistics problem, capable of using sophisticated corporate computer to figure it out? Many of Walmart associates have less than $10 hour-wage, don't have computer and broadband Internet at home? With minimal employee training, do you think they can solve online shopper's problems? 
I don't think so. 

Friday, April 7, 2017

US Retailers Are in Big Troubles

(4/8/2017) The brick and mortar retailers in the US are in big troubles. When the US economy remains strong, the number of retailer bankruptcy reaches post-recession (2008) high. As online retailers (or those traditional retailers with good online stores) gains more market share, traditional retailers have to figure out their survival strategies. One thing is for sure, those low-pay retail clerk, salesperson jobs will shrink!

Next industry to watch: restaurants in the US may scale back due to overexpansion

Source: (4/8/2017)