Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Supermarket Without Bees?

(6/17/2014) This news has strong and impressive message telling readers how a supermarket looks like without bees. "Last year, Whole Foods Market removed all of the fruits and vegetables dependent on pollinators from its produce section to create a striking visual of what our supermarkets would look like without these important creatures as part of its Share The Buzz campaign." The following two pictures are copied and pasted from HuffingtonPost.com. To know the before and after, go to the news.



FedEx, UPS Will Charge By Size

(6/17/2014) Following Fedex's plan to charge ground delivery parcels by its size (not just by weight only) in May 2014, UPS now also announces that they will charge all ground shipping parcels by its size too. Both companies make this move to offset rising transportation cost and more grocery shipping now people buy online. The good news is that UPS' new pricing won't start before Dec 29, 2014. But buying toilet papers from Amazon may not be a good deal anymore.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Judge's Harsh Words on JC Penney

(6/16/2014) This judge is definitely very judgmental about JC Penney's ex-CEO, Ron Johnson. The judge said Johnson was a "casualty of his own hubris." If you know the falling of JC Penney, you may agree with this judge.